John G. Fogale

From Hillcrest Mine Disaster Data
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John G. Fogale or Giovanni Fogale
Born 1889
Died 1914 (aged 24–25)
Hillcrest, Alberta
Cause of death Hillcrest Mine Disaster
Resting place Hillcrest Cemetery
Nationality Italian
Occupation Bucker

Our research indicates the following is the most probable history for this miner.

Early Life


1889 Loria, Treviso, Italy


Miner and Siblings (in birth order)

  • Emilio Fogale
  • Giovanni Fogale

Immigration to Canada

1911 Ship Bretegne from Havre, age 22, single, last residence Loria, Treviso, going to friend in Copper Cliff, Ontario

Occupation in 1914


Hillcrest Mine Disaster June 19, 1914 - Killed


Buried in the Mass Grave in Hillcrest.

After the Hillcrest Mine Disaster


Schedule E
No one had applied for compensation by Feb 1915.

Alternate Names or Alternate Spelling of Names

John, Giovanni, Fogale, Fugali

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